Fux News Triggers Giant Reagan Boner

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Bod Squad
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 Obama’s body language reveals a weak child slouching America towards a nuclear holocaust

After noting cable television’s “wall to wall coverage of something that they’re not sure of or if it really matters”  Bod Squad investigator Jon Stewart zooms in on Fux News‘ propagandized “analysis” of the body language between President Obama and President Putin during their recent meeting in Mexico.

“That, my friends, is how it’s done. That’s how you take a few seconds of Obama video and turn it into a rich soup of decontextualized imagery designed to bypass the frontal cortex and go straight to the amygdalas of old people, triggering cascades of dopamine and giving them all a giant Reagan boner. It’s why they’re number one.

Yuks aside, it’s nice to see Stewart upping his game by adding a neuro-cognitive sub-text to his satirical repertoire.

More sir, more.



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