Texas GOP Targets Obama’s Kenyan Half-Brother

“I’m upset,” Kathleen Portalski says. “I’m angry. It makes me feel like a nonperson, kind of.” Texas GOP Targets Obama’s Kenyan Half-Brother Ready for some Republican values? The short bus Texas GOP is responsible for the latest demonstration of the ravages of Conservatism, a disease largely found in Republican Americans. The ad, narrated by what sounds like a Texas high …

McConehead of Silence

Senator John McConehead, Prisoner of War, demonstrates how he wore the “Cone of Silence” during Pastor Rick’s dog ‘n pony party for Evangelical seekers during the Saddleback soirée Saturday night. ORLANDO, Fla. — Little Johnnie was not wearing his “cone of silence” Saturday night when Barack Obama was answering questions for Pastor Rick. Johnnie was actually in his limo on …

Get Off Your Ass

This is loading a lot better, but if it loads slowly you may have to back-ball to keep it from re-caching. This is MoveOn‘s motivational video de jure, and worth watching. Listen carefully. Act accordingly.

The Real Audacity of Hope

Andy: “. . .That’s the beauty of music; they can’t get that from you. Haven’t you ever felt that way about music? Red: I played a mean harmonica as a younger man. Lost interest in it, though. Didn’t make much sense in here. Andy: Here’s where it makes the most sense. You need it so you don’t forget. Red: Forget? …


The McCain Ad Team has been infiltrated— Is “The ONE” ready to lead?!? Wul, Hhyuh, Grandpa. . . Why duh ya think they call him “The ONE”? The ONE— Disabling the onslaught of evil Repuglidung pellets hurled up by the McSame Camp Pain in sheer desperation Buzz this ad up on YouTube; maybe they’ll keep making this kind of mistake …

The Scattered Brotherhood

Finding the Invisible WE HAVE TALKED about the startle of everyday life, how it is not the reality, but the dream life that you see. For when you are plunged into the sea of sensuous existence, your true life leaves you like smoke.  It evaporates into the stuff of dreams;  it is hard to hold yourself to yourself. Your past …

Manchurian McCain

The New Joeker cover is catching shit from the Rebuplican Right; we think you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. “Satire, like the razor keen, is best when scarcely felt or seen.” —Terry Kruger, after unknown IF YOU LOOKED CAREFULLY, you could probably spot the first satirical drawing by a human being in one of the rooms at Lascaux; no doubt some …