Killing Two Birdbrains With One Stone

Palin is “Religulous,” but Maher is “RiDICKulous.” Bill Maher‘s new mooovie, Religulous, is not going to make it on Sarah Palin’s “to do” list this year, or any other. And it’s a shame too, because Sarah Palin, if she had been willing to talk to Maher, would have been just the sort of interview he should have put in the …

Dispatches From The Religious Left

Shai Sachs: Dispatches from the Religious Left will be released in about a week, on Oct. 1, 2008.  The book, edited by Frederick Clarkson, contains a wide variety of thoughtful essays on what the Religious Left is and how it should move forward, including a brief chapter on new media that my wife and I co-write.  If you happen to …

Off With His Head!

Remember, McCain is the monkey who said he did not share his own economic adviser’s “views” when Phil Gramm’s mouth brought attention to his flaming incompetence and responsibility for the current fiasco. Since McCain’s views can move from one side of his mouth to the other in a matter of minutes, who the fuck knows when a “qualm” will become a “quarrel”??

Beyond the Palin

Ex-president Bush shakes hands with ex-president McCain, who was officially replaced as president today, after a stroke left him with the communication skills of a very bright rutabaga, (a cross between a cabbage and a turnip.)  McCain’s wicked shiner was not explained. Excerpts from Mark Crispin Miller:  (my emphasis) The choice of Sarah Palin has been widely and repeatedly assailed …

Reality Bites

More galaxies than grains of sand on every beach of this world. Taken with the Hubble Deep Field, January 15, 1996 Since it’s a lovely morning, why don’t we take stock of a few things that most of us take for granted. Let’s start with some practical aspects of “reality.”  Here we are— billions of us— whizzing through time and …

McNoccio’s Crooked Talk Express (Updates: I, II,III)

Trying to keep score on the amount of outright lies being spewed forth from the McSame campaign is getting problematic. I was originally going to list same, with examples of some much needed pushback from the corporatist media, but it soon became an overwhelming task. I will only note this analysis from MSNBC: The Washington Post gave “four Pinnochios” to …