Don’t It Make Your Red Eyes Blue

It was late; my eyes were bloody red tired; I needed some music to get me focused for one last paragraph. But the debul must be fuckin’ with me. Who else could slip Wayne Newton‘s “Dake Shaen” into my iTunes?! Anyway. I put it in the trash, and played this. [youtube][/youtube] A little out of sync maybe.  Maybe insipid to …

Glossolalia Government

If you are a parent, or have had the responsibility of raising a human being from infancy through childhood, you have had the opportunity to observe language become comprehensible to mind. It is truly an amazing process to behold to watch mind achieve self-conscious understanding.  And it teaches you this: Every human being born into this world has spoken in …

Playing With Fire UPDATED

“I play to win. I do whatever it takes to win.
If I have to fuck my opponent to win I’ll do it.
If I have to destroy my opponent I won’t give it a second thought.”
—John McCain
Given McCain’s self-described canon, it’s hardly a stretch to believe he professed such a crass philosophy. And above all other considerations, it puts the lie on his religion; whether it was Rethuglican bravado or genuine credo.

Liar, Save Thy Self

My copy of LIAR mag came today; well; actually that’s a lie. Click it. The McCain-Palin team of mavericks is on a lying jag this week. First out of the chute was Six-pack Sarah, paintin’ Barack Obama as pallin’ around with terrorists, like that William Ayers guy.  John Wilson was on it, though: As part of a larger project where …


One of the greatest attractions of patriotism— it fulfills our worst wishes. In the person of our nation we are able, vicariously, to bully and cheat. Bully and cheat, what’s more, with a feeling we are profoundly virtuous. — Aldous Huxley “Country First” John McCain: “I am not a perfect vessel.” I’ll see your “Country First” and raise you a …

O.J. Simpson: As The Karmic Worm Turns

If the karma fits, you must convict Hall of Fame football player and former Ginsu Knives spokesman O.J. Simpson was found guilty yesterday by a Las Vegas jury of a number of felonies, including armed robbery, guaranteeing that he will spend at least five years in the Big House. The verdict comes exactly 13 years from his acquittal in a …


You ASSHOLES may run but you can’t hide This bailout’s mission is to protect the OBSCENE amount of wealth that has been accumulated in the last eight years. It’s to protect the top shareholders who own and control corporate America. It’s to make sure their yachts and mansions and “way of life” go uninterrupted while the rest of America suffers …