McCain-Palin: Authoritarians

“The greatest threat to American democracy today arises from a militant authoritarianism that has become a cancer upon the nation.” So says psychology professor Robert Altemeyer, who provided Wateregate whistle-blower John Dean with forty years of study on the authoritarian personality type that roughly 28 percent of Americans proudly call their modus operandi. John Dean: During the 2008 presidential campaign, …


[youtube][/youtube] Our economic woes have pushed the two wars we’re still waging out of the headlines. But our sons and daughters are still still fighting and dying;  our treasure continues to be wasted on Dick Bush‘s legacy of war crimes. Terrorists who would do us harm must be hunted down, but these unnecessary wars must end.  Only Barack Obama will …

The Americake Is Baked

If you’re at a McCake-eating party on November 4th, and you see this cake, it means you’re on the receiving end of a landslide loss of historic proportions. The upside is, Obama— and all Americans— have been granted the opportunity to dramatically change America’s current disastrous course, avert impending catastrophe, and embark on a new era of breath-taking change that …

Remembering When. . .

“And so it was the days when the Wingnut Boot was heavy on the throat of the Nation, Reality went unto Dumbses, asking that the mortal remains of Terri Schiavo be respectfully committed unto the ground.”

Palin on SNL: Delicious.

One of the functions of humor is to help all of us take ourselves less seriously.

But political satire has every bit as important a blade to wield as political analysis. People who were apprehensive about Palin’s appearance on a comedy show were-so because they see nothing remotely “funny” about her candidacy; rather do they see unmitigated disaster for our country should McCain-Palin manage to wheedle their way into the White House.

Hey St. Louis!

You Kick Ass!! Join the crowd. . . Pull your browser window as big as it will go and click it. • •

American Fascism

Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann R-MN, has spelled out some cogent advice for all Americans to consider: “What I would say is that the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look. I wish they would. I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out if they …