The Bush White Dog House

THE WHITE DOG HOUSE — The annual revelation that a little black scottie dog runs the White House was again met with shock and anger by too few normal human beings. “Barney,” aka “Bushmaster,” was again portrayed as the driving force behind the White House Christmas celebration by a cloying gaggle of the Bush family, gathered around the fireplace.

The Chrome Plated Megaphone Of Destiny

Frank Vincent Zappa, Urantian musician, was resurrected on the third period following his physical death on December 4, 1993. He was as surprised as any resurrectee that comes through here, pretty much a fucked-up agnostic who thought he was just another burnt weenie. But Frank is quick, clever, and smart, and got with the program from day one…

Weasels Ripped My Exoskeleton

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans, led by android creep pussbag Mitch McConnell, crapped all over the last day of Zappadan by pretending the anti-American obstructionist bullshit which continues to flow from every pore of the fascist Republican cabal was actually just them insisting on their “…right to participate in the the legislative process.”

Suzy Creamcheese, What’s Got Into Ya?

Questions, Questions, Questions, flooding into the mind of the concerned young person today. Ah, but it’s a great time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen. And that’s the theme of our program for tonight. It’s so FUCKING GREAT to be alive!


When the crowds who came to hear Jesus teach began to include many of his bitter enemies, he explained his decision to teach in parables this way: “I will present my teaching in a parable, so that you may each take for yourself that which finds a reception in your heart.”

The Prodigal Son

If you have never heard this parable, or only know the second-hand account from the Bible, reflect on the fact that the Son of Man created this story, not just for the confused and confounded souls of his day, not just for all future residents of our world, but for every lost soul on each and every world of a projected ten million inhabited planets.

The World of the Cross

Our world— Urantia— has become known among other neighboring inhabited planets as the “World of the Cross.” For newbies to this blog who’ve never heard of The Urantia Book, just the caption on the photo above holds the potential to make their head explode. “. . . neighboring inhabited planets”??  Uh huhh. But.  Yeah.  If all you’ve ever thought of …