Stimulus Package??

Wake the fuck up, wage slaves. . . that is if you still have a wage.
The Republicans along with some completely head-up-ass Democrats are able to foist this gross swindle of wealth on the middle class by, one, keeping teh stoopid afraid of everything, two, keeping America at War and therefore killing the children of teh stoopid, and three, by boldly lying their asses off, telling Americans that only the wealthy can save America with their wealth, when and as they see fit to create jobs for the rest of us— in other words— keeping you POOR.


Now that Bush the War Criminal President has been sequestered behind the federally funded gate on the dead end street in Preston Hollow or whatever the fuck the place is called, conservative revisionists are hard at work trying to erase the reality of the last eight years. And the good toads who were paid to wrap Teh Chimp in pleasing graphics during his campaigns hate to see their good gravy dry up, so they’re marketing a bunch of useless crap to squeeze whatever blood they can out of the 22 percenters who are teh stoopid enough to buy it.

Facing The Past and The Future

In Roman mythology the deity Janus is represented as having two faces, one  looking forward, one backward.  He presides over doors, and beginnings. President Obama has said he is focused on the future, that America must move forward. But America is also looking for justice, and that means looking into the past as well. It makes sense that our new …

The Small Voice

The Small Voice We know that the still small voice is there to be heard, and yet every excuse is made not to find the time to listen to it.  You think you desire to put aside a small part of each day for your divine appointment, and yet, your mental appetites make it impossible of accomplishment.  Some people even …

I Solemnly Swear. . .

WASHINGTON — Everything was going swimmingly.  Joe the Biden had been sworn in, and then the lovely Dianne Feinstein introduced Chief Justice of the United Staes, John D. Roberts.  Now, you’d think a guy like Roberts, who’s had a couple a whacky seizures would realize the serviceability of a back-up plan— at all times.  Especially when you were going to …

Oh, By The Way. . .

[youtube][/youtube] Bush shorter . . . and worser . . . and eviler . . . than you ever imagined. (Even worse than the clip right below this one, because more of it will sink in.)

The Bush Billionaires

Spent all your munny, yet? Did you burn through your extra cash on the holidays War on Christmas? That triple-bypass you need? The mortgage meltdown? Gas? Groceries? Well then, you needs you some Bush Bucks®.