The Scattered Brotherhood

Lift Your Spirit IN THESE TIMES you cannot afford to meet the shock of life with emotion; you cannot hate, you cannot fear.  The evil that you see has always been here;  the ignorance is not for you to judge, nor should you respond to it even in the sense of so-called righteous indignation.  We have tried to teach you …

You Lie!

Despite his new status as hero to the reptard right wingnut casserole, Joe Wilson’s seemingly courageous act of career-ending stupidity was really an act of cowardice; for what he really wanted to yell was this: “FUCK YOU YOU ARROGANT SOCIALIST NIGGER!”

The Religion of Nice

So here we are, wallowing in our dysfunction. Governed — if you listen to the rabble rousers — by a black nationalist from Kenya smuggled into the United States to kill Sarah Palin’s baby. And yes, I could almost buy their belief that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, only I think he shipped them to Washington, where they’ve been recycled as lobbyists and trained in the alchemy of money laundering, which turns an old-fashioned bribe into a First Amendment right.

Contempt In A Free-Floating Void

The simple, snark-free truth is this. There is so much wrong with the way life and culture are currently valued, lived, and experienced in America today by a huge, backward looking minority, that irony and snark must per force ooze from every pore of our collective bag of national skin until we free ourselves from its grasping claws.

A Passage Of Time

From my deck, I look out over the ridge of Red Gulch, a little hogback belonging to the Lyons formation, a sturdy sedimentary ridge layed down more than three hundred million years ago. It is part of a living geological textbook, written on a grandiose scale of time and place. The molecules of dust we occasionally wipe off our furniture was once alive.

The Most Interesting Man In The World

The Most Interesting Man In The World Is Not This Guy.

Racist Monkeys

It’s National Monkey Week, a few special days each year when we take our Homo Sapeins ego a little less seriously by contemplating our humble hairy origins as Primates.