Shelby’s Ransom Demands

Where did it all go wrong? The great struggle in the evolution of government has concerned the concentration of power. The universe administrators have learned from experience that the evolutionary peoples on the inhabited worlds are best regulated by the representative type of civil government when there is maintained proper balance of power between the well-co-ordinated executive, legislative, and judicial …


Yes, even insufferable wags can have genuine epiphanies. So when Chris Matthews thinks he has one on the air and shares it with the rest of us, it’s worth examining if for no other reason than to see if it can help us have one, too.

John Zebedee

    Perhaps no other single family contributed more to the work of the mission of Jesus than that of the Zebedees. The Zebedee brothers, James and John, followed two other brothers, Andrew and Peter, into the apostolic core,  and David Zebedee was indispensable as the organizer and manager of a messenger service for the Master’s work.  This is The …

The Devil & Marion Gordo Robertson

MARION GORDON ROBERTSON made his way into the world on a cold-assed day in March of 1930. To any casual observer, Gordo has been certifiably insane since 1976, when he predicted the world would end in the fall of 1982…

The Three Witches

  Reading the following description from Wikipedia of The Three Witches, I just couldn’t help but be reminded of the three crones depicted above.* The Three Witches represent darkness, chaos, and conflict, while their role is as agents and witnesses. Their presence communicates treason and impending doom. During Shakespeare’s day, witches were seen as worse than rebels, “the most notorious …

I Feel Rachel’s Pain

On her show Thursday night, Rachel Madow interviewed Mother Jones correspondent David Corn (two of my favorite people). The tag line describing the clip above, “Lack of an honest opposition lamentable”, while accurately describing the content, doesn’t come close to capturing the depth of the problem they address. Lamentable means “bad, unfortunate.” As I read the numerous socio-political-economic crises facing …


When anyone hears God’s spirit speak within their human heart, inherent in that very experience is the fact that God simultaneously hears that person’s prayer.