Let The light In

On a billion screens like yours, a billion people are watching the technology of search transforming millions of isolated books into the Library of All Human Knowledge. The old saw has been turned on its axis: a lot of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Read It With A Friend.

A President with a Cosmology would be— A great president? Or the Greatest President.

Judas Iscariot, The Twelfth Apostle

“When very young, he was pampered and petted; he was a spoiled child. As he grew up, he had exaggerated ideas about his self-importance. He was a poor loser. He had loose and distorted ideas about fairness; he was given to the indulgence of hate and suspicion. He was an expert at misinterpretation of the words and acts of his friends. All through his life Judas had cultivated the habit of getting even with those whom he fancied had mistreated him. His sense of values and loyalties was defective.”

Wont Somebody Tell Me

Blind Willie Johnson’s plaintive question— What is the soul of a man?— still reverberates today, precisely because men still seek the answer. And fortunately, we live in a time when you can learn more about the soul than you can probably understand.

Torch Me Up, Scottie

The attack against Christians by Beck may turn out to be the most interesting opportunity for Religion to finally provide some genuine open criticism of itself, and quickly provide the sort of self-correction Christianity so desperately needs. So you go, Jim Wallis, and don’t stop until Christianity is once again the religion of Jesus.

Beck To Jesus: Drop Dead

I’m begging you, your right to religion and freedom to exercise religion and read all of the passages of the Bible as you want to read them and as your church wants to preach them . . . are going to come under the ropes in the next year. If it lasts that long it will be the next year. …

Eternity Road: The Isle of God

One of the more astonishing voids in Christian theology is the abject conceptual poverty and shear lack of knowledge about where God supposedly abides: Paradise. There are just three mentions of Paradise in the Bible, and two of those are actually confused references to other places, while the third is a mere mention of Paradise by Jesus to the thief, …