The Governator v. Bush on Global Warming

California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger flexed his Terminator muscles in George W. Bush‘s face this morning on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopolous: “They just didn’t believe in it or they didn’t believe that they should do anything about it, since China is not doing anything about it and since India is not willing to do the same thing, so why …

The McSame Game

  A Mind’s Eye View of Star Trek’s The Game In Star Trek: The Next Generation’s The Game (Episode 106, first aired 10/28/91), the crew of the Enterprise becomes totally addicted to a virtual reality game brought aboard the ship from an alien world. A slick pair of VR specs sends visual imagery to brain, energizing the brain’s serotonin and …

Bomb Bomb Bomb, FlipFlopApalooza

McCain climbs Mount Flipflopapalooza (click it) Johnnie Sidney McCain made his now famous infamous semi-annual monthly weekly pilgrimage to the pungent lava fields of Mount Flipflopapalooza today, and, donning the elaborate headgear of the soulless political automatons of the American archipelago, delivered the latest in an amazing eruption of ratfurker reversals, or in MSM public parlance, “flip flops.” The undeniable …

It’s All in your Head

Wondering what this 1967 Viet Kong propaganda photo of POW McCain smoking in bed on clean sheets in a hospital has to do with the current state of the economy? So are we. It’s no more helpful in solving our economic problems than the political ads showing it right now on a TeeVee near you. GREAT NEWS! That little bit …

A pilots [sic] perspective on Obama

A pilot named Karl (not his real name) is circulating a devastating email on teh internets titled A pilots [sic] perspective on Obama, that should wake up LIBERALS and Rebublicans too, or any other label you care to use to describe people swept up in their own personal feelings of hope and unity. The letter should scare the living shit …

Bush Finally Helping

Some are calling it “Too little too late,” while others are reflexively saying, “Better late than never.” Either way, everyone seems to be gathering strength from the simple calendrical fact that the worst disaster in American presidential history is approaching its scheduled end. We’re talking of course, of the Bush Preznincy, currently inflicting its last several months on a weary …

Clowns to the Left, Jokers to the Right

Like so many others who are brainwashed into believing that every politician can be stuffed into the left-right-centrist meme of MSM convenience—no need to think, just do what you’re told and say he’s a “progressive leftist!”— it’s no surprise such reasoning reveals a steady diet of MSM garbage in-garbage out. But it also reveals that its victims haven’t grokked that …