I Lived In A Box.

Guess who took this picture. John McCain still thinks someone wants to put him in a box. “When you’ve lived in a box,  you “only have time for right,” says a deep cowboy voice oozing authenticity, while the orgasmically large flat screen shows the aged maverick returning to his Vietnam prison cell and “forgiving” his captors— and their nation— for, …


From “As the sky grows” by Driftglass: …the candidates weigh in (all quotes for entertainment purposes only.) Senator McSame leaps boldly into the fray: “I Can Haz Always Been An Deregulator! Capitalism 4Evah! Wall Street Roolz! You know, back when I was a guest of the North Vietnamese, I too knew what it was to be heavily regulated!” One of …

McHoover On Wall Street Meltdown: We’ll Study It

Sarah Palin holding Trig, while Willow and Piper keep mom upright. First, a little context. When our self-proclaimed CEO president, George W. Bush took office the week of January 22, 2001, the Dow Jones Industrial average was 10,659. Yesterday, it closed 50 points under that. Bill Clinton left a budget surplus of over $250 billion. Bush will leave office with …

Fish Love Oil Rigs

“The fish love to be around those rigs.”  This means they think off-shore drilling is not only safe but necessary. But will they love to be around China’s oil rigs off Cuba?  You need to ask?? More than 600,000 Americans have lost their jobs since January. Home foreclosures are skyrocketing, and home values are plunging. Wall Street is hemorrhaging like …

“Readiness” Verbiage Attacked

Sarah Palin lets a parrot give her talking points now;  she’s saving her voice for the debate with Senator Joe Biden. (Not everyone can see the clownface on the candidates;  it’s not your fault; blame it on the MSM.) Palin: “As fur foreign policy, you know, I think that I’m prepared and I know that on January twintieth, if we …