Bailout: Putting Lipstick On A Pig In A Poke

The way to feed rabbits is to feed hay to horses. A lovely little adage better known as trickle down economics. Unfortunately, it also describes even the modified bailout plan promoted by congressional Democrats, a plan that has no guarantee of ever working nor limits on the eventual cost. Instead of a top down approach,  a bottom up strategy that …

Take De Bait

The first challenge for John McCain is, of course, to take de bait— show up. But declaring yourself the winner before the event isn’t going to gitter done, even in McCain’s maverick version of the universe. What you’ll see tonight, is good ole “Gramps McCain,” creepy smiling, blinking too much, that “left eye” thing, and saying “My friends” just enough …

First They Sell You The Disease, Then They Sell You The Cure

Wall Street Closing In On $700 Billion Bailout Booty Inspired by the scene from the movie Blazing Saddles where the Johnson brothers point their guns at the black Sherriff Bart, who then holds his gun up to his own head and threatens ”Hold it! Next man makes a move, the nigger gets it, ” former Goldman Sachs CEO Henry Paulson …

Dispatches From The Religious Left

Shai Sachs: Dispatches from the Religious Left will be released in about a week, on Oct. 1, 2008.  The book, edited by Frederick Clarkson, contains a wide variety of thoughtful essays on what the Religious Left is and how it should move forward, including a brief chapter on new media that my wife and I co-write.  If you happen to …

Who Does She Remind You Of? UPDATED

“And as our leaders are telling us, in our military, we do need to, ramp it up in Afghanistan, counting on our friends and allies to assist with us there, becuzz these terrists— who hate Amirrica, they hate what we stand for, with the… the freedoms, the democracy, the the women’s rights, the tolerince, they hate what it is that we represent, and, our allies, too, and our friends, what they represent.” Sigh.

McCain’s Emergency Plan Destroyed by Obama

WASHINGTON — After calling a halt to his campaign earlier today, John McCain spent the afternoon working on a plan to personally re-inflate the economy, and rescue Wall Street. However, a spokesperson for the McCain campaign has just informed the MSM via video that Senator Barack Obama has destroyed the plan with a childish stunt: • (Please ignore the frickin’ …

McCain suspends his campaign. Yawn.

McCaint covers up a yawn;  the losses on Wall Street have kept him from napping. . . .asks to postpone walking Friday’s debate, to chew gum address the financial crisis. Ben Smith: The only thing that’s changed in the last 48 hours is the public polling. Mickey Edwards: Oh, brother. What idiot came up with this stunt? It ranks somewhere …