It’s a dog-eat-dog world these days it seems, and when a presidential candidate throws down with, “You can actually see Russia, from land, here,” you should know you’re dealing with a Hockey-momming pitbull in lipstick. HOCKEY MOM PITBULL V. BULLDOG BIDEN What are some other supreme court decisions you disagree with? “Hmm; Well;  Let’s see; there’s huhhhhh, in the great …

Michelle Obama At C.U.

BOULDER — Michelle Obama was at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Wednesday, and told a huge crowd of students that today was the day they needed to register to vote if they were going to join their fellow students in being the deciding factor in winning Colorado for Barack.  Estimates say there are still roughly 170,000 students and other …

Like A Bear In A Shooting Gallery

McCain’s erratic flip flopping is now effecting his sense of direction

The World Through Sarah’s Eyes (Update)

Ruh roh;  that Vladdamir Putin is rearin’ his head over there, agin. I don’t think he’s wearin’ a shirt, either. What do Bullwinkle, the Flintstones, ANWR, and Putin have in common? The most unqualified vice-presidential candidate in US history. One who believes that humans and dinosaurs walked the earth together; that Alaska‘s proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy and …


Congress didn’t bailout your friends; so why haven’t you Re-Suspended your campaign??
Is it any less of a catastrophe today than it was last week? Or, like Senator Obama, will you be monitoring it from the “sidelines” now?