Wingnut Woodstock
Ironic that the national security state infrastructure that Darth Cheney, Alberto Gonzalez, and W put in place might just be used against their ideological ilk.
Ironic that the national security state infrastructure that Darth Cheney, Alberto Gonzalez, and W put in place might just be used against their ideological ilk.
Mister Jindal says, “Never throw a shoe at Mardi Gras.” NAWLINS — It’s a wonderful day in Mister Jindal’s Neighborhood, because, well, because Mister Jindal says so. But it seems some naughty boys and girls brought their personal firearms to the Mardi Gras parade, and shot some innocent boys and girls in the face, and a few other places. But. …
Sorry, no time for blogging tonight. I’m going to be counting the hours back to Boulder by resisting the ReBorglicans, as they continue their efforts to assimilate hapless Americans who remain vulnerable to their lies and logic because they haven’t learned to think and reason for themselves.
From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale. In trying to account for the experience of color, neurobiologist Humberto Maturana decided to treat the nervous system as a closed system, depriving it of external sensory inputs. Incidentally, he found that deprived of such inputs, the nervous system can’t …
Louisiana Governor Piyash Jindal begging for understanding in the Republican’t Marketplace of Ideas. (Original message) BATON ROUGE — The Republican party opened up another front on the War on Reality today with a bold assault on sanity by refusing an estimated hundred million dollars of United States government funds for the unemployed poor of Louisiana. Governor Piyash Insane Jindal, who …
Only by coming together, all of us, and expressing that sense of shared sacrifice and responsibility … can we do the work that must be done in this country. That is the very definition of being American.”
At least some of the outrage that courses through the American psyche today derives from recognition of our shredded values of justice, and whether we can still claim we are a nation of law when our leaders suffer no consequences for their crimes.