Torture In Context: Philip Zelikow Edition (Update 1)

A Zelikow 9/11 Commission narrative brainstorming session In addition to the Cheney-Bush Administration‘s use of false confessions to help sell the Iraq War, we must now add that these same “enhanced interrogation techniques” (originally developed by the Chicoms during the Korean War for propaganda purposes) were crucial in the writing of the 9/11 Commission Report as well. We begin with …

Their Days Of Freedom Are Numbered

Right now, Dick and George may still be enjoying their fun in the sun, barbecuing kittehs; but those days are numbered. The chances they’ll be arrested and charged with war crimes are growing stronger every day. . . Because people are starting to understand the things they said. . . [youtube][/youtube] “Let’s roll,” indeed.

Torture In Context

Demonstrating an “enhanced interrogation technique” In 1999, Bush‘s family biographer, Mickey Herskowitz, reports that W. told him he was intent on invading Iraq, saying that his status as a war time president would give him enough political capital to push through his conservative domestic agenda. (That would include the privatization of social security whose blood rich corpse would be served …

Destroying Our Enemies

Like most nations, the United States continues to conduct espionage against other nations, and we use clandestine spies employed by the CIA to get the information we think we need to keep us safe.

Hugh Francis Redmond was just such a fellow.

Brewing UP Trouble UPDATE 2

The irony of protesting wasteful government spending by purchasing a million tea bags and throwing them in various bodies of water is lost on teh protesting Tea Baggers. Which “grass roots” group came up with those bucks? Then there’s the sheer craziness of middle class Republicans protesting the end of tax cuts for the wealthy (the way the Republican controlled Congress under Bush wrote the law in the first place) after the passage of the largest tax cut for the rest of us, in our history.

Baggers Brewing UP Trouble

After way too much delicious coffee and enough free wifi to gag a geek, I decided to get out and scout around for teh Baggers.

Brewing Up Trouble

They call this really clever protester’s costume “The Limpbag,” modeled by Rush Limbaugh look-alike, Margo Orange-Pico. HOLLYWOOD — I’m in the L.A. area today looking for a Hate America First teabagging party to infiltrate, and I’m pretty damned discouraged right now. These are some coffee latte espresso drinkin’ fools out here I can tell you.  I haven’t found any teabagging …