The Christian Obama Nation

Are we “One” yet?  Click and see. Friend Quaker Dave writes, “We have become what it is we claim to fear.” Rather:  We have always been and still are what we claim we hate. And that is a people that continue to justify the torture and murder of other human beings in the name of— whatever. If America really is …

Torture In Context: Update 2

Darth Cheney’s ancestor getting the story Last month, I wrote: 3. The “brainwashing” techniques from which the Bush Administration’s torture regime was derived was specifically DESIGNED TO PRODUCE FALSE CONFESSIONS FOR PROPAGANDA PURPOSES. HuLO-OH… (I still recall grainy black and white film of harried looking POWs from the Korean War, denouncing America; dozens of videos of John McCain doing the …

Listening Tour? What Listening Tour?

Well, that didn’t take long. Just last weekend the Rethugs were falling all over themselves promoting their “listening tour.” Then their master, the insidious Darth “Rush” Limpbot laid down the law. So bright and early yesterday morning, Rethug Whip Eric Cantor crawled onto the set of Morning Joe and denied that the listening tour is, well, a listening tour. SCARBOROUGH: …

Hump? What hump?

In a desperate attempt to re-brand themselves as somehow relevant to America’s political future, a number of Rethuglican leaders have taken to the road on a “listening tour,” eager to convince voters that they aren’t the Party of No Ideas, that they have something to offer than just their eternal agenda of tax cuts for the very wealthiest 5%. Not …

George W. Bush Liebrary Update: Fund Drive Kills

An urgent fund raising letter sent to current and prospective donors to the George W. Bush Presidential Liebrary has met with an overwhelming response, yielding over $100 million since the Bush Administration left office.

They’re Here To Fux You Up

Maybe Rush Limpbot will buy an island somewhere,
and you can all immigrate there, take a loyalty oath,
and form yourselves a little wingnut paradise.

Bachmann Adds To Her Legacy

Well, the hits keep on coming. Michelle Bachmann on the suspicious re-emergence of swine flu “under another Democratic president”: “I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under another Democrat president Jimmy Carter,” said Bachmann. “And I’m not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it’s an interesting coincidence.” …