Some Updates

The Goldman Borg to Obama: You will be assimilated Two Goldman Sachs related items. The first involves Goldman’s continuing takeover of the financial levers of power of the executive branch of the US government, a subject I’ve covered here and here. This week President Obama appointed Goldman’s Vice-Chairman Robert Hormats to the State Department as its undersecretary for economic, energy and …

Compassionate Conservative Emergency

Oh yes we are. Sonoran Alliance: Named a ‘rising star’ by the Capitol Hill newspaper, Roll Call, only three years ago, U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn has quickly earned a renowned reputation as one of America’s most articulate and engaged political leaders. But you must see and hear this “articulate and engaged” “rising star” for yourself: [youtube][/youtube] The National Journal described …

Top Ten “Higher Callings” of Sarah Palin

You betcha we’re intrigued by the phrase “higher calling,”so we pushed our moose steaks aside and looked at the ten most likely possibilities for a wingnut ex-governor…

The Empire Strikes Back

The Medical Mafia‘s first salvo in the present health care reform war came in the form of an ad run by CRC Public Relations, the group that ran the Swift Boat ads, for a group that calls itself Conservatives for Patients’ Rights. CPR is led by Medicare fruadster Rick Scott, the founder of the Columbia/HCA hospital chain, who got nailed …

Obama Healthcare Ad Targets Reluctant Dems (UPDATE)

Part of the full-court press that President Obama is mounting for health care reform involves ads aimed at conservative Dems in various districts. (Whoda thunk that “bipartisanship” with the Just Say No Rethuglicans was a fool’s errand to begin with?) Harry Reid might not like it, but WGAF. UPDATE: The labor union AFSCME and one of the nation’s largest health …

No More Monkeyin’ Around

“‘Human animal’ hybrid freaks.” That’s just toooo rich …the irony nearly crushes my hybrid duckbill.

Newt Gets A Chubby

No. Oh why not; he’s white, retarded, and ridiculous— he has two right hands and he lies about his wiener— what’s not to like? The pin he went with. [youtube][/youtube] “…what is someone seeking to hamstring the First Amendment doing, if not ‘fighting outside the rules of law’ “? Law is life itself; not the rules of it’s conduct. “And …