Shock & Awe Begins Its Sixth Year

Political wisdom. Emotional maturity is essential to self-control. Only emotional maturity will insure the substitution of international techniques of civilized adjudication for the barbarous arbitrament of war. Wise statesmen will sometime work for the welfare of humanity even while they strive to promote the interest of their national or racial groups. Selfish political sagacity is ultimately suicidal –destructive of all …


A smiling Barack Obama shows off his choice for veep to a captivated Chicago crowd, Friday. CHICAGO— In a stunning and solemn signal to Republicans and more importantly rogue nations around the globe, Barack Obama announced his choice for the vice-presidential slot on the Democratic ticket early today. GORT, spelled with all caps, stands for “Galactic Order Robot Tool,” and …

Bush Would Volunteer For War If He Were Younger And Unemployed

In a March 13th videoconference call, President Bush surprised U.S. military and civilian personnel as well as recently returning veterans of the Afghanistan War with his wistful responses. “I must say, I’m a little envious,” Bush said. “If I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines …

A Selective Look at Breaking News. . .

Mmmmm. Let’s see.   • Oliver North is still a free man, as is Bush Senior, and Junior. • Several thousand little ones are making their way through warm canals, headed for the light of their first day. • Billions upon billions of waves are breaking their way onshore. • New fires are being set in the Amazon.   • …

Republicans For Valdemort

Like the “Death Eaters” in the Harry Potter saga, the Repugs have done everything they can to suck the life out of the commonweal, exemplified by Grover Norquist‘s pledge to shrink the (social services part of the) government down to the point where it can be drowned in a bathtub. Ever since Reagan took office in 1981, they’ve been hell …


True Religion Is The Top Requirement. Lois: “The world doesn’t need a savior.” Superman: “Everyday I hear people crying for one.”   Savior Obama? A SAVIOR IS A PERSON who saves someone or something— especially a country or a cause— from danger. Such a person may come to be regarded with the veneration of a religious figure, like the Savior …

Values Beyond Political Conflict

There’s a common misconception rampant in political and other discourse in the world today, and it leads to all kinds of injustice, terrorism, and other spiritual horrors. It’s the idea that love of what’s right is the same thing as hatred of what’s wrong. The two are like day and night. One heals, the other leads to endless conflict and …