Urantian Sojourn Magazine

Pursuing The Right: Inside this Week’s Urantian Sojourn Magazine Oooh you’re so jaded! Not the neocon “right,” you silly jelly beans, but the real “Right,” as in the Right Stuff.~ This week’s headliners tell the story of real love between the Obamas, the kind of love that we all search for; real love, given freely, without conditions. The Love that …

The Scattered Brotherhood

Surrendering To Love YOU HAVE UNDERTAKEN THE GREAT ADVENTURE of becoming sons of God, and you have to go through a sort of untangling to reach this place of communion and awareness. Be assured that your sole duty is to go within and dissolve by releasing the outer entanglements, to surrender appetites and forebodings. The question of appetites is different …

Hey Timmeh. . .

Tim Russert Suddenly, gone to the Next World. Somehow, his graduation is more poignant because we saw him every Sunday on Meet The Press, and during the primary coverage. We may not have agreed with him all the time of course, but a guy trained by Jesuits will find his moments, and Timmeh found more than his share. A big …

The Scattered Brotherhood

A Time Will Come IN THESE TIMES OF CHANGE, you cannot afford to meet the shock of life with emotion; you cannot hate; you cannot fear. The evil that you see has always been here; the ignorance is not for you to judge nor can you respond to it even in the sense of so-called righteous indignation. We have tried …

The Urantia Papers

The most extraordinary book to ever appear on this planet happens to be so circumstantially insulated from the ordinary channels of inquiry that even after a half million copies are loose in the world it remains a great cosmic mystery. I refer to The Urantia Book, about which there is so much to say yet it is so difficult to …


From Huff Po: WASHINGTON — Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois sealed the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, a historic step toward his once-improbable goal of becoming the nation’s first black president. A defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton maneuvered for the vice presidential spot on his fall ticket. The 24-7 news is a few hours behind the curve tonight, still saying Obama is …

The Strange Universe

As readers of The Urantia Book, you’d think we might occasionally search “teh internets” to see what’s out there that speaks of it. Well we do— occasionally. Recently we found a segment on The UB from a TV series called “Strange Universe,” circa 1996. The mildly galactic, silly-subliminal strobe-fest, complete with a shot of the alien autopsy stuffed in for …