Mad Little McScience

The Google looks down on Adler Planetarium From Adler Planetarium. [D]uring the presidential debate in Nashville, Tennessee, Senator John McCain made the following statement: McCain: “While we were working to eliminate these pork barrel earmarks he (Senator Obama) voted for nearly $1 billion in pork barrel earmark projects. Including $3 million for an overhead projector at a planetarium in Chicago, …

Liar, Save Thy Self

My copy of LIAR mag came today; well; actually that’s a lie. Click it. The McCain-Palin team of mavericks is on a lying jag this week. First out of the chute was Six-pack Sarah, paintin’ Barack Obama as pallin’ around with terrorists, like that William Ayers guy.  John Wilson was on it, though: As part of a larger project where …

Hey Asheville. . . Update

ASHEVILLE —  Barack Obama spoke in Asheville, North Carolina this Sunday, in his campaign’s continuing effort to take a state that voted big time for Bonzo in the last election into the win column for Democrats. At least one person from Asheville visits with us occasionally, and this is a shout out to them:  Did you go see Barack?  If …


A “Team of McMavericks.” What are they good for? Really? • • “There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is death.” • • •


It’s a dog-eat-dog world these days it seems, and when a presidential candidate throws down with, “You can actually see Russia, from land, here,” you should know you’re dealing with a Hockey-momming pitbull in lipstick. HOCKEY MOM PITBULL V. BULLDOG BIDEN What are some other supreme court decisions you disagree with? “Hmm; Well;  Let’s see; there’s huhhhhh, in the great …

Michelle Obama At C.U.

BOULDER — Michelle Obama was at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Wednesday, and told a huge crowd of students that today was the day they needed to register to vote if they were going to join their fellow students in being the deciding factor in winning Colorado for Barack.  Estimates say there are still roughly 170,000 students and other …


Congress didn’t bailout your friends; so why haven’t you Re-Suspended your campaign??
Is it any less of a catastrophe today than it was last week? Or, like Senator Obama, will you be monitoring it from the “sidelines” now?