Weasels Ripped My Exoskeleton

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans, led by android creep pussbag Mitch McConnell, crapped all over the last day of Zappadan by pretending the anti-American obstructionist bullshit which continues to flow from every pore of the fascist Republican cabal was actually just them insisting on their “…right to participate in the the legislative process.”


Senate to Middle Class: Drop Dead They could have given the loan on the condition that the automakers start building only cars and mass transit that reduce our dependency on oil. They could have given the loan on the condition that the automakers build cars that reduce global warming. They could have given the loan on the condition that the …


The disease is a variant in the family of tic disorders, and is sometimes referred to as Noggin’ Turrets…

Undiscovered Zappa Albums

• • • ZAPPADAN • • • Spooge-Monkey-Paramour Frank was an amazingly prolific and creative talent, and he generated serious gobs of words and music strung together and put to vinyl, tape, and plastic.  But he ran out of time here.  So we can only guess which of his undiscovered albums might have joined company with Weasels Ripped My Flesh, …

The Illinois Enema Governor

• • • ZAPPADAN • • • • “Some day he’ll have to pay.” • • • • • • — Frank Zappa, The Illinois Enema Bandit [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOeOlcR_CgE[/youtube] Yes, another fortuitous conjunction of Zappadan with Ill-Anoise corruption corrupting absolutely. Rod the Political Enema is back at work today;  stand by for more scatological contributions.

ZAPPADAN! I Should Explain.

Watermelon In Easter Hay is certainly one of Frank’s quintessential pieces. During our celebration of Zappadan it starts to play automatically on any Zappadan article that’s at the top of the page… The voice of The Central Scrrrrrrrrrrrutinizer can be unnerving to some…

Suzy Creamcheese, What’s Got Into Ya?

Questions, Questions, Questions, flooding into the mind of the concerned young person today. Ah, but it’s a great time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen. And that’s the theme of our program for tonight. It’s so FUCKING GREAT to be alive!