Torch Me Up, Scottie

The attack against Christians by Beck may turn out to be the most interesting opportunity for Religion to finally provide some genuine open criticism of itself, and quickly provide the sort of self-correction Christianity so desperately needs. So you go, Jim Wallis, and don’t stop until Christianity is once again the religion of Jesus.

Eternity Road: The Isle of God

One of the more astonishing voids in Christian theology is the abject conceptual poverty and shear lack of knowledge about where God supposedly abides: Paradise. There are just three mentions of Paradise in the Bible, and two of those are actually confused references to other places, while the third is a mere mention of Paradise by Jesus to the thief, …

McDead Gets His Freak On

Call me old fashioned, call me un-cool; but postmortem lividity just doesn’t cut it as a turn-on. But there is a fringe element out there that apparently finds it to be so, and the opportunistic senatorial cadaver of John “McDead” McCain was out in the clubs tappin’ that shit this weekend.

The Pinocchio Principle

The party of “family values” has become the lock-step party of “NO!” values; has become the purveyors of lies, selfishness, cowardice, and designing hypocrisy. . .

Republicans Are People Too

Republicans are people too. They just don’t belong in government anymore.

BREAKING Dick Hospitalized

Former de facto President Dick Cheney has been hospitalized with rectal pains, Fox News confirms. The 69-year-old war criminal…