Mourning In America

NRO asswipe John Derbyshire finds something to celebrate in the ecological and economic catastrophe unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico in an article titled No We Can’t. After citing a controversial entry from The Oil Drum concerning the consequences of a “down hole” breach in the well casing, a distinct possibility, he indulges the most perverted display of schadenfreude I’ve …

A Tale of Two Sloppy Joes

Whoring for multinationals like BP has its limits, after all. You don’t call an escort service and have them deliver the goods to the family home door, broadcast live on cable tv and streamed around the world.

Tony Baloney’s Congressional Testimony (Update)

BP CEO Tony Hayward preparing for his congressional testimony today Well, watching Hayward’s congressional testimony thus far has been a frustrating exercise, more a textbook example of lawyered up stonewalling. The Mustache of Justice, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA), tried in vain to get him to answer the questions posed in the committee’s letter they sent to him Monday. The letter …

Nuke It Closed? (II)

Seventeen days after I posted this , Mathew Simmons is back on Bloomberg News with this update. Highlights: 1. He bumped up his earlier estimate of the amount of oil gushing into the Gulf from 70k barrels per day to 120k.  (He’s been consistently ahead of the “official” estimates from Day One). And that unless the well is fused shut …

The Neuro-Cognitive Wisdom Of George Costanza

Given that cognitive scientists believe that up to 95% of our thinking processes are unconscious, with our 400 million year old lizard brain dominating our half million year old rational brain; given that the lizard brain has as its number one priority the perpetuation of the species (demonstrated in males by the power that the little head exercises over the …

BP’s A-Team Tackles Oilmaggedon

I suspected something like this was going on all along… In other developments in what some people are considering to be earth’s first human caused extinction level event: 1. The US government has issued a new (soon to be revised) estimate for the amount of oil gushing out of the Macondo well head. Having uncritically accepted BP’s original estimate of …

Oilmaggedon: The Sequel

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Okay, I don’t think its too soon to start really freakin out about the disaster unfolding in the Gulf right now. There have been rumors on the internets for at least a couple of weeks that the situation is a hell of a lot worse. Instead of just …