The Midnight Ride of Palin’s Rear

History Prof Sarah Palin reveals real purpose of Paul Revere’s famous ride While crashing Mitt Romney‘s formal announcement of his bid for the Rethuglican presidential nomination, world class media whore Sarah Palin had this to say about the real purpose of Paul Revere‘s historic ride: “He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our …

Get Ur Motor Runnin— Outta Here!

Palin parked her bus long enough to hitch ride on a Harley to pimp her brand On their yearly pilgrimage to Washington D.C. to honor their fallen comrades on Memorial Day, members of the Rolling Thunder motorcycle club found themselves with an unwelcome guest— camera moth and all around media whore, Sarah Palin. Think Progress reports: During the holiday weekend, …

Newtster Nihilism

Newt Gingrich as the incarnation of Gozer the Traveler Two years ago, in Terrified Beyond The Capacity For Rational Thought, I wrote: In their devastating November 4th defeat at the hands of an inexperienced, junior senator from Illinois, the Rethuglicans are in desperate search of a leader, someone that can match the intelligence, boldness, charm, and overwhelming popularity of Barack …

Pendulum Waves

While ya’ all are waiting for tomorrow’s Rapture, enjoy this demonstration of harmonic oscillators, which if nothing else, suggests that there is more to the structure of the universe than initially meets the eye. Impish me, I’m thinking of laying out on my front walkway: a baseball hat, a shirt, a pair of jeans, and at the bottom of the …

The Tiffany Catholic

Callista Gingrich posing as a Stepford Wife* Now we know how much a Tiffany Catholic costs to maintain: Newt Gingrich owed up to $500,000 to Tiffany May 17, 2011 2:23 PM Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who entered the 2012 presidential race just last Wednesday, is having an epically bad week. And it’s only Tuesday. On Sunday, Gingrich angered conservatives …

Boehner’s Boner & Newt’s Fruits

The Boner hoists himself on his own petard, er, golf club Oops. Republicans stormed Capitol Hill in January vowing to slash discretionary spending by $100 billion right off the bat. In their pledge to America, they promised that, “[w]ith common-sense exceptions for seniors, veterans, and our troops, we will roll back government spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels, saving us at …