“Readiness” Verbiage Attacked

Sarah Palin lets a parrot give her talking points now;  she’s saving her voice for the debate with Senator Joe Biden. (Not everyone can see the clownface on the candidates;  it’s not your fault; blame it on the MSM.) Palin: “As fur foreign policy, you know, I think that I’m prepared and I know that on January twintieth, if we …

Blame It On Black Monday

The Obama folks once again understate the obvious. Black Monday rolls into town today with a distinctively oily hue and cry, and that fulminating hoard of rats you see running along the bulwark are not rushing out to see the latest Pirates of the Caribbean folderal, but are enjoying a bout of panic brought on by another classic Film Noir: …


Don’t be fooled again. Bookmark this post; play it every week at your convenience. Learn the lyrics, posted below. McCain is teh stoopid‘s prospective “new boss.”  Understand this is one election that we can not afford to have stolen. Expose the liars whenever you can, wherever you can, to anyone capable of joining in and combating the cancerous disease that …

Is Our Children Lurning?

Come on, Republicans.  Lurn hard. When anyone says “Lipstick on a Pig,” who in their far right mind would think you’re talking about this: . . .instead of this: That’s “Lipstick on a P-I-G.”

The Infrastructure Maverick

How can you tell the Infrastructure Maverick is lying? Her Lipstick is moving. “I’m not gonna stand in teh way of. . .” millions upon millions of American taxpayer dollars coming under my control whether we build some Porky Pig Bridge to Nowhere or not.

I Got Other Things To Do

Wow. The word “veterans” never made it into McPOW’s acceptance speech; our next “Commander-in-Chief”? But thanks anyway, GI’s— we support the troops! Until you become “veterans” with “problems.” Remember, you’re just damned lucky you get to fight for a country with free speech! But now you’re on your own.  Deal with it. The Commander-in-Chief has other things to do. • …