The “S” WORD

Sarah Six-Pack was in Loveland, Colorado today, saying Barack Obama is an advocate for “Socialism,” and that “. . .now is not the time to experiment with Socialism.” Peggeh Noonan The recent groundswell of Republican pundits with enough character and honesty to look fairly at Barack Obama, or at least John McCain and Sarah Palin, are having a rough time …

Hey St. Louis!

You Kick Ass!! Join the crowd. . . Pull your browser window as big as it will go and click it. • •

Don’t It Make Your Red Eyes Blue

It was late; my eyes were bloody red tired; I needed some music to get me focused for one last paragraph. But the debul must be fuckin’ with me. Who else could slip Wayne Newton‘s “Dake Shaen” into my iTunes?! Anyway. I put it in the trash, and played this. [youtube][/youtube] A little out of sync maybe.  Maybe insipid to …

November’s LIAR Comes Early

LIAR Magazine is working overtime.  But then, so is Sarah Six-Pack. I like LIAR Magazine.  I subscribe.  It’s good to know who’s telling the biggest, most outrageous lies in a world beset by falsehood and deceit on every side. One specific thing I like about LIAR Mag: they think that someday, maybe not in our lifetimes, but someday when the …

The Voice of HATE

“Hate is the shadow of fear; revenge the mask of cowardice.” —Jesus Sam Stein “Barack Obama’s attacks on Americans who support John McCain reveal far more about him than they do about John McCain. It is clear that Barack Obama just doesn’t understand regular people and the issues they care about. He dismisses hardworking middle class Americans as clinging to …

Playing With Fire UPDATED

“I play to win. I do whatever it takes to win.
If I have to fuck my opponent to win I’ll do it.
If I have to destroy my opponent I won’t give it a second thought.”
—John McCain
Given McCain’s self-described canon, it’s hardly a stretch to believe he professed such a crass philosophy. And above all other considerations, it puts the lie on his religion; whether it was Rethuglican bravado or genuine credo.

McPTSD is So “That One”

Fear and anger weaken character, and destroy happiness. Is that so hard to understand?  And just like hate, anger is a destructive influence on the human soul. [youtube][/youtube] “That one” who suffers from PTSD; “That one” who should never have responsibility or authority for launching deadly force on the people of other nations. • [youtube][/youtube] Aww;  what a sweetie!  Ignoring …