Bush Behind Bars

People, get ready.  Justice is coming. You don’t believe it, do you.  Not in your wildest dreams do you think you’ll see Junior Dubya the killer joker sitting in  a holding tank, waiting for James Baker or some other Bush Family toad to come post his bail. So what does that say about America.  That our president can use lies …

Coming Home

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VcvmoGjGNc[/youtube] Joseph A. Violante: We’ve heard a good deal recently about the 18 percent of men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan who are at risk for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression, according to an authoritative RAND Corporation study. Another 19 percent are estimated of having experienced traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by improvised explosive devices that “rattle” …

Obama Cabinet Amazes

GRAND CAYMAN — President-elect Barack Obama met with several impressive new cabinet members today to discuss a plan of action to solve the many problems facing his new administration, the United States, and the world. The meeting was held on a private beach on Grand Cayman Island, which Obama noted was symbolic of the “sea change” that was coming. The …

Dancing Shoes

Sorry, no time for blogging today!  We have our dancing shoes on, and many miles to go before the next dawn. Play the healing music. Pretend Bush is already packed, and breaking out his chainsaw down in Crawford.  Get your good on today and everyday, from now on. Ain’t nothin’ gonna stay the same.


In one of the more surreal moments of an already surreal campaign, John McCain got into the spirit of the holiday by appearing in an amazingly creepy “Underdog” costume, while standing next to someone else dressed as Underdog.

Obama’s Big Pitch Misses

Just watched the Obama 30 minute ad, and to be honest, I have to say I had a hard time identifying with it.


[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7yDbwWNCUc[/youtube] Our economic woes have pushed the two wars we’re still waging out of the headlines. But our sons and daughters are still still fighting and dying;  our treasure continues to be wasted on Dick Bush‘s legacy of war crimes. Terrorists who would do us harm must be hunted down, but these unnecessary wars must end.  Only Barack Obama will …