Now that Bush the War Criminal President has been sequestered behind the federally funded gate on the dead end street in Preston Hollow or whatever the fuck the place is called, conservative revisionists are hard at work trying to erase the reality of the last eight years. And the good toads who were paid to wrap Teh Chimp in pleasing graphics during his campaigns hate to see their good gravy dry up, so they’re marketing a bunch of useless crap to squeeze whatever blood they can out of the 22 percenters who are teh stoopid enough to buy it.

Facing The Past and The Future

In Roman mythology the deity Janus is represented as having two faces, one  looking forward, one backward.  He presides over doors, and beginnings. President Obama has said he is focused on the future, that America must move forward. But America is also looking for justice, and that means looking into the past as well. It makes sense that our new …

Four Hundred Ten Children Are Dead

Jerusalem — Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert declared a unilateral cease-fire in Gaza, saying, “Hamas has been dealt a very serious blow.  We can say that the conditions have been brought about that enable us to say that the aims that we laid down for the operation have been completely achieved.” “If foes decide to continue to fight against us, …

The Bush Billionaires

Spent all your munny, yet? Did you burn through your extra cash on the holidays War on Christmas? That triple-bypass you need? The mortgage meltdown? Gas? Groceries? Well then, you needs you some Bush Bucks®.

In The Tank For Conservatism (Updated)

During the past eight years, the Bushmen have done their utmost to entrench themselves behind political, financial, and ecclesiastical power. Their make-believe foreign policy has failed to do aught that it set out to do. Chummy self-serving alliances will never prevent world wars, or control the several most powerful governments. As long as America suffers from the delusions of national sovereignty right along with every other so-called sovereign nation in the world, War will continue.

Sunday Huff Poop

Not possessing the steely intestinal constitution of the heroic Driftglass, I simply cannot breakfast on the barf of Sunday morning hurl coming outa the teevee talking head mouse circus, as only he can.  So I seldom miss reading what he draws from that frothy culture muck-pit.  It’s just one more great reason why he’s in a class by himself, and …

George W. Bush Liebrary

Controversial sculpture highlights the Bush Liebrary courtyard. (Click) DALLAS — The “Mission Accomplished” Sculpture Garden Annex to the George W. Bush Liebrary® was dedicated this week on the campus of Southern Methodist University, in a very brief ceremony honoring the achievement[s] of the outgoing chief executive.  The Annex is a publicly funded project which apposed the building of an oxymoronic …