[You humans have begun an endless unfolding of an almost infinite panorama, a limitless expanding of never-ending, ever-widening spheres of opportunity for exhilarating service, matchless adventure, sublime uncertainty, and boundless attainment. When the clouds gather overhead, your faith should accept the fact of the presence of the indwelling Adjuster, and thus you should be able to look beyond the mists of mortal uncertainty into the clear shining of the sun of eternal righteousness on the beckoning heights of the mansion worlds...
Here’s what I ‘spect would happen:
perfect, except i think there would be more of an oily film left on everything.
i know it will never happen, but i would love, love, love it if glenn blechhh was a guest on the daily show or the colbert report.
There are multiple channels in my cable lineup which spew shit to the fearful and ignorant electorate 24/7. Examples: EWTN, BYU Television, Church Channel, JCTV, etc.
Jon destroying Beck is scary funny, but I still can’t watch Beck; he makes me imagine what it would be like if he were allowed to spew his shit to the fearful and the ignorant electorate 24/7. . .
Hm. Fuck.
Jon not only skewers Beck; he roasts him to a crisp.