We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans...
The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States,
and the world, and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.
—Alex Jones, Nutjob
Just because we haven’t done a “This Week In Teh Crazy” post for a few months doesn’t mean they went away. Paddle around the internet toobs a little, and sooner rather than later you’ll run into stupidity so glaring, so ill-informed, you gasp and clutch at yourself.
During the campaign in 2008, Captain Underpants drug the RWNJ meme of Obama as “The One” down to his own little cellar, calling Obama “That One.” Now, you might think that after a year in office without a single sighting of Obama in Muslim clerical garb or Jeebus robes, the nutjob notion that Obama is a raging narcissist that fancies himself the God-King Savior of the masses would slide down the lunatic conspiracy charts a few places. You would be wrong.
The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world’s savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan.
—Alex Jones, Nutjob
The notion of Obama as a divine savior has had a remarkable staying power with teh stoopid, not because he’s been unmasked as such by the intrepid conspiracy freaks, or that other divine beings are seen coming and going from the White House all the time, but because it was so fucking crazy to begin with. In wandering through the fetid labyrinths of sophomoric syllogisms one finds in nearly every RWNJ online manifesto, likewise, you can’t help but find one after another poorly photoshopped visions of Obama coming through the clouds, walking on water, or mimicking some holy gesture only God can explain.

The film [“The Obama Deception” by Nutjob Alex Jones was removed for multiple copyright violations] may help connect the dots, and we all still need more moles with irrefutable and undeniable evidence to help blow the whistle, preferably before it is too late again.
—Alex Jones, Nutjob
But today my computer machine discovered Alex Jones, another one of those RWNJs who has somehow managed to get a hold of some of the people’s airwaves, and like the master BLOVIATOR hisself, spreads hysteria, fear, lies and conspiracy effluvia to the humanoid bags of mostly tea.
Fat-fisted Alex, blowin’ chunks; he got arrested behind this bullhorn shit.
The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people, and the world, into accepting global slavery.
—Alex Jones, Nutjob
The problem is not that we have a few crazy people in our country willing to listen to Bloviators like Jones and Limbaugh. The problem is we have fucking millions of them. Poorly educated, fear-addled, “citizens” of the greatest God-fearin’ country on the face of the earth; men and women, who, as the nincompoop Lt. Governor of South Carolina recently pointed out, “They Breed!” What’s worse, our nation enfranchises even those who cannot begin to understand the everyday nuances of material reality; forget about intellectual reality.
President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations’ Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body.
—Alex Jones, Nutjob
So. When such folk see President Obama on the cover of The American Conservative, with evil little blond armed and dangerous cherubim floating beside his head, hand grenade at the ready on his hip, Commie AK-47 mysteriously floating behind his shoulder, they gitz fuckinn skeered.
Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.
—Alex Jones, Nutjob
And not skeered because they think he’s a divine being, a savior, but just the opposite; he’s reallllly the Devil, pretending to be Jesus.
The elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of central Asia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
—Alex Jones, Nutjob
He’s Satan, Lucifer, and Beelzebub all rolled into one attractive half-black man who needs to be nailed to the cross of public opinion and crucified for bringing his blackness into their White House. If we don’t stop him before it’s too late again, good people like Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh might actually be exposed for the raving, hate-filled lunatics they are.
US president Barack Obama is only the tool of a larger agenda. Until all are made aware, humanity will remain captive to the masters of the New World Order (NWO). Is that the “change” that he promised?
—Alex Jones, Nutjob
Besides. Even stupid folks need to get they dumb asses back to praising the guy who really belongs on the cross: Jesus.
Yes; that Jesus! The Jewish One. “The One” that was demonized by his peers; ignored by his earth children; and finally and ignobly murdered for his ideas of loving everyone, and brotherhood, and ideals of Spirit.
That’s the guy that belongs on their cross; not some lunatics’ idea of a divine imposter.
“In an era where our destiny is shared, power is no longer a zero-sum game.
No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed.”
—Barack Obama
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‘he’s really the Devil, just pretending to be Jesus.’
…No fooling you guys.
Save us, Alex Jones!
Its projection. Shrub actually did consider himself the earthly annointed king or some such, and his puppet masters used that to groom him and teh stoopid masses with just that in mind.
But its all true what you say. Sad and pathetic and infuriating–And still just Projecting their own fears and identities, and deepest inhumane desires onto our president.
I mean isn’t it lovely when people tell you exactly who they are? This is what they would do with all that power if they had it–therefore this must be what Obama is doing with that power.
Chic, it is projection. Still. Despite their natural inability to get their teabag together, they can still cause enormous problems for progressive change. My hope is that we can avoid that by unceasing exposure of their crazy.
inspired post, mh. and can i say how proud i am that you called that nasty man from arizona captain underpants? i was so hoping that would catch on. i have a tear in my eye.
thanks, n. and trust me i know brilliant monickers when i see’m; that twisted little bag of neurons from AZ couldn’t captain his own diaper even if his reputation depended on it. i hope he gets his drawers knocked off this election cycle, and I hope it’s messy. You know the Captain recently sat down with Douchey and friends to talk Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Stay tuned.