Massachusetts Senate Race

Massachusetts Senatorial Candidates Scott Brown and Martha Coakley

Next week, Massachusetts voters will be voting in a special election to fill the seat of the late Ted Kennedy. By most accounts, it’s a very tight race between Democratic candidate, Martha Coakley, and the Rethug, Scott Brown.

At risk is the vaunted 60 vote Dem coalition majority, which could be decided within the next week or so. This could make the 2010 November elections moot on that score.

Would it be heresy to suggest that a short term Dem loss there would actually be a long term Dem gain, especially as it concerns the pending health care reform bill?

For instance, losing their filibuster proof 60 vote margin would enable them to tell the Nelson, Landrieux, LIEberman, Lincoln medical industrial complex shill block to go fuck themselves. This would put the reconciliation 50+1 vote formula front and center and allow the party to pass budget related provisions like a robust public option immediately. Other vital insurance company reforms like rescission, preexisting conditions, and the industry’s  anti-trust exemption could be dealt with in separate bills.

Personally, I would love to put these Dems in a position where they would have to vote up or down on reforms like those.

Just sayin….

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