The Worst Type of Coward

Dick The War Criminal: The Worst Type Of Coward

“Hate is the shadow of fear; revenge the mask of cowardice.”

URANTIA — As the advocates of the dead and decaying values of the passing political paradigm cling more and more desperately to the disappearing justifications for their evil deeds, the criminals themselves feel compelled to go public with their insanity.

Mike Malloy.

Dick Cheney has suddenly become a champion of openness in government. Pigs are darting around the sky and Sean Hannity finally is pregnant. Which of those three statements is not true. Take your time. This is an open book test. And you can use your semester notes, too.

In his recent television appearance on Fox, Cheney says he wants transcripts of C.I.A. torture sessions made public. Those sessions, this insane war criminal maintains, will reveal how necessary the torture was in getting information that saved hundreds, nay, thousands, of American lives. (Duck! There’s another flying pig! Look out!) Beatings, partial drownings, slamming detainees against walls, punching, kicking, poisonous stinging insects, forced nudity, sleep deprivation, profound disruption of sensory input, exposure to extreme cold and heat, all of it was so very necessary in prying loose information the psychopathic former vice president claims would have been used to . . . to . . . (Look out! Another one!) keep us snug and secure at night when we climb into our cozy beds and he slides back into his box of sacred dirt.

Bullshit. Total bullshit, Dick. You know it;  the interrogators know it; and the clutch of voyeuristic administration freaks who joined you at midnight in the Offal Office to watch the videos know it.  You bastards did it for the same reason every despotic jerk-off throughout history did it:  Because you could.  Because you had absolute power over people who had never been charged with a crime, given legal counsel, provided a chance to confront [their] accuser, all that weak-kneed garbage guaranteed by Bush’s “goddam piece of paper,” the U.S. Constitution.  You’re the worst type of coward, Dick.  The type that worms his way to enormous power simply to act out his own sick interpretation of abuse, destruction and contempt for life. All life. The whole goddam planet, right Dick?

Malloy continues by quoting Ali Soufan, an F.B.I. supervisory special agent from 1997 to 2005, who ended seven years of silence concerning the false claims of the effectiveness of waterboarding, now that the torture memos have been made public to the world.  Soufan writes:

It was the right decision to release these memos, as we need the truth to come out. This should not be a partisan matter, because it is in our national security interest to regain our position as the world’s foremost defenders of human rights. Just as important, releasing these memos enables us to begin the tricky process of finally bringing these terrorists to justice.

Soufan, one assumes, is referring to the “terrorists” we captured—  like Abu Zubaydahnot the “terrorists” we became— when we stooped to the level of our terrorist enemies by torturing them.  Anyone who can count to ten can also understand that waterboarding a man 83 times is not torturing him for information, but torturing him for revenge.  And that includes the men who performed the deeds, as well as the men who wrote the bullshit legal justifications for the methods of “interrogation.”

Congress, the president, the justice department, lawyers aplenty, even the people of the world— can wiggle around in the semantic haze which will surely form around our sickly attempts to actually be, once again, a nation of laws.  But make a personal note.
Those who refuse to grow into awareness of the new benchmark of ethical and moral understanding that is sweeping through the planetary consciousness— especially the cowardly, deluded hypocrites who call themselves Christians and still justify torture in the name of national security or any other such hypocritical nonsense— had better look forward to one day hearing from their Creator:  What part of, “Do unto others what you would have them do unto you” do you not understand?  Depart from me. . .


  1. Propagandee

    Looseheadprop over at FDL has a great take on Cheney’s machinations for instituting his sick torture regime.

    How, for instance, the OLC legal memos were his method of preventing CIA field agents from resisting what were clearly illegal orders (as the FBI had already done), and a way of providing cover for the depravities of his private army of brownshirt contractors.

  2. props,
    i don’t think that arrogant sonuvabitch will ever allow himself to believe that he ever did anything wrong. he thinks that everyone else is too stupid to realize how infallible he is. it’s laughable that he thinks he or any of his reprehensible family could ever charm the public with their p.r. campaign. that said, i hope they continue. i would love for the cheneys to be the face of the rethug party.

  3. Propagandee

    Could be that his respiratory problem is a mutated form of Swine Flu, precipitated by a lifetime of being a total pig.

    Or that the last time he went in for a heart check-up, the doctors couldn’t find enough left there to work with.

    As for him ever coming to regret his actions, I doubt it. I don’t think he is as delusional as W. whose faith-based idea that history will vindicate him allows himself to look into the mirror each morning without breaking into tears.
    I suspect that when Cheney looks into a mirror, like a Bela Lugosi movie, he doesn’t see anything at all.

    (Was that wrong?)

  4. props,
    while i was watching, i was wondering if he’s sick. first the wheelchair at the inauguration and now the wheezing. i thought to myself that his sudden desire to be all over tv, as well as sending out his lying shithead daughter to defend him could possibly be his last-ditch effort to rewrite his legacy. desperate actions by a desperate man? it was the only time i have ever wished for better health for him. i want him to be around to be shamed and ostracized for his criminal behavior and immorality. i want him to live long enough to know how despised he really is and how all his plans have turned to shit.

  5. Propagandee

    Yeah (having a lung condition myself), I noticed the wheezing.

    It’s my fervent hope and prayer that Cheney survives long enough to be frog-marched before an earthly tribunal for war crimes.

    Even if he slips the mortal coil before justice can be meted out to him here, as a Urantia Book reader I take comfort in the belief that he will never escape the long arm of universe law and justice.

  6. Michael Hart

    Hey Prop,
    I can hear sheannity now, to KO: “I’ll go if you will too.”
    Like it’s a frakkin’ game. It would be of course poignantly tragic if it were to accidentally stop his heart for a few days. . .

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